Tuesday 9 October 2018

Research on logos

Research on logos

In today´s article I am going to talk about logos.
Resultado de imagen de warner bros

Warner Bros: The logo consist in a white background, The Warner Bros logo have the shape of a shield and inside, in the middle of the shield it has two letters the W and the B. Going across these letters, there is a banner that says ´Warner Bros. Pictures´ on it.

Resultado de imagen de Paramount

Paramount: The colours that are used within the logo are calm and peaceful colours. These colours are used for the mountains and the sky to make the appearance to look more realisitc to audience. The positioning of the word ´Paramount` has been centred in the middle, above the mountain which is one of the main part of the logo.

Resultado de imagen de universal

Universal: The name Universal is summed up by the logo, the giant letters of Universal come out in front of the planet Earth in space, this is to show that not only are they seen worlwide but they are one of if not seen worlwide but they are one of if not the best film industry in the world.

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