Friday 22 March 2019

Finished blog conclusion

Since the beginning of the course my skills has consequenly develop in my knowledge and my understanding of the subject of Media Studies. Our main task was to make a film opening no more than 2 minutes and in that film opening we need to have a huge list of shots, such as the Camera shots, Camera movement and Camera angles. Santiago and I worked well as a team, we have our  mistakes and indifferences but we knew how to fit it.

My sound skills improved throughout the year goes by. When I start the course in Septemeber my editing skills were a disaster, I didn´t know how to edit, but with the time and with the help of my Media teacher Mr.Lobon, I suddenly start to learn how to put songs in a prezi (a softwere to make presentations),  make cutways, cut scenes and paste it in others etc...

I have use some editing programmes such as Imovie that is an app that only Iphone can use it, Windows Movie Maker that is a softwere that only Windows can use it. In this two programmes I have edited my movies and I am pretty sure that those two films are amazing.

Finally I want to say that I am very happy with my progression and improvement I want to thanks my Media teacher Mr.Lobon, all the help that he deposited on me on the other hand I am very happy of the huge audience that I had throughout the year also I am glad to help students with my blog.

Bye for know, Best wishes Angel Martinez Toledo.

Friday 15 March 2019

Our final film opening

Here, we have our final film opening, It was very hard to film it as is was our first movie. As usual enjoy it and comment.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Evaluation Question 1

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social group or issues?

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Evaluation Question 2

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Monday 11 March 2019

Saturday 9 March 2019

Evaluation Question 4

How did you integrate technology such as software, hardware and online in this project?


Promoting our film

Friday 8 March 2019

Preliminary Film opening

Hi everyone, here you have our preliminary task of our film opening. Enjoy it¡¡¡

Thursday 7 March 2019

Editing our movie

Hello how you doing?, In todays post I am going to talk about editing.

In my opinion editing is the most dificult part of the blog, as I never edit before I was a little bit nervious at first. As I was saying editing is very dificult because you need to be a big part of time working on that. Our clips delete twice and we need to recorded them again, but as time passed my editing techniques develop.

As the music is one of the most important part of editng we waste a lot of time to find the perfect and most appropriate song for the final film opening

Tuesday 5 March 2019


In todays class we have been thinking about the music that we are going to put in the final film opening.

In the first scene of the film opening we put the music of the Italian mafia but we realise that, that kind of music was not appropiate for the film that we are doing so we put this music.

When Rick get kidnapper, we change the music into a more suspense music to make the audience nervious and restless.

The last music that we put was one of horror to convey the fear of the kidnapped.

Monday 4 March 2019

Final logo

This is our final logo made with the computer, we chose the second logo because we think that is the most appropiate for childrens.

Monday 14 January 2019

Risk Evaluation

In the class we have plan the possible risk that we can have with the film opening.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Filming day 3

Filming day3:
The last day of recording, it was recorded in the abandoned house and we recorded the kidnapping as you can see the house is very dirty, the lighting is quite poor. I am the one who is seated in the chair. We take advantage of the poor light to make the scenes more realistic and coolest. In the last day of recording we needed to use the flash of the mobile phone to have more light due to the poor light that we have in that location.

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Filming day 2

Filming day 2:
In the second day of filming we film the kidnapping of the detective and also we record some establishing shots. As the other post we also take advantage of the good wether and the light to make it better. Although I have to thank our friend Alex Rojo to lend us his car to record the scenes and to improve our film opening and recording conditions.

Monday 7 January 2019

Filming day 1

Filming day 1:
In the first day of grabation we film the detectives library, we start to film at 12 and we finished at 2
We take advantage of the good light and the wonderfull wether to improve our light conditions.
At first we did not know how we were going to record and also we dont know how to use the camera properly, but we start to recorded and we make cool scenes.

Sunday 6 January 2019

Practice Task

I made this video to teach and show you some day life shots, I couldn´t do this video without the help of my sister, thank you, enjoy!!!!

Saturday 5 January 2019


Today we are going to make a research on audience, we make a questionarie to know what people thinks about movies and also to know which genre is the most important for the audience.

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Here we have our answer!!!

Research on audience de AngelMartinezToledo

Audience Interview

1. How old are you?
17 or below
2. What are gender are you?
3. Do you like films?
4. How often do you watch movies?
Once a week
5. Whats your favourite movie genre?
6. Do you like Mystery movies?
They are ok
7. Why do you watch movies?
8. Where do you see the movies?
At home

Friday 4 January 2019


Hello everyone in today´s post, we are going to see our storyboard.