Tuesday 25 September 2018

Editing Techniques

Editing Techniques

The purpose of editing:

  1. Determinate the speed at which events move along
  2. Give or Withhold information
  3. Determine your feeling for events and characters
  4. The illusion of unity

Cutting: the work of selecting and joining together shots to create a finished film

Principals cutting techniques

  1. Standard cut
  2. Jump cut
  3. Montage
  4. Cross dissolve
  5. Wipe
  6. J or L cut
  7. Cutting on Action
  8. Match cut
  9. Smash cut
  10. Invisible cut

Shot/Reverse shot: is a staple of editing in dialogue sequences. Conventionally, it utilizes the 180 degree rule, the eye line match, and rule of change among others.

Crosscuting: cutting back and forth quickly between two or more lines of action, indicating they are happening simultaneously

Fade in/Fade out: a filmmaking and broadcasting technique whereby an image is made to disappear gradually.

Resultado de imagen de fade in fade out definition

Superimposition: when you put especially a picture, words, etc. on top of something else, especially another picture, words, etc.., so that what is in the lower position can still be seen, heard, etc.

Resultado de imagen de superimposition edition

Slow motion: when film or television pictures are shown in slow motion, they are shown much more slowly than normal.

Resultado de imagen de slow motion definition

Eyeline match: a cut  obeying the axis of action principle, in which the fist shot shows a person off in one direction and the second shows a nearby space containing what he or she sees. If the person looks left, the following shot should imply that the looker is offscreen right.

Resultado de imagen de eyeline match

Monday 24 September 2018

Camera Shots

Camera Shot

A camera shot is the amount of space that is seen in one shot or frame. Camera shots are used to demostrate different aspects of a film`s setting.

Extreme wide shot: the view is so far from the subject that s/he isn`t even visible. The point of this shot is to show the subject`s surroundings

Resultado de imagen de extreme wide shot

Very wide shot: shows the subject from top to bottom; for a person, this would  be head to toes, though not necessarily filling the frame.

Wide shot: a video or film recording made with the camera positioned to observe the most action in the performance.

Resultado de imagen de wide shot definition

Mid shot: a shot taken at a medium distance.

Resultado de imagen de mid shot definition

Medium close up: half way between a close up and a mid shot.

Resultado de imagen de medium close up

Close up: a certain feature or part of the subject takes up the whole frame.

Resultado de imagen de close up

Extreme close up: shows extreme details.

Resultado de imagen de extreme close up

Cut-In: shows some part of the subject in detail.

Resultado de imagen de person shoe

Cutaway: is the interruption of a continuosly filmed action by inserting a view of something else. It is usually, although not always, followed by a cut back to the first shot, when the cutaway avoids a jump cut.

Imagen relacionada

Two-Shot: a comfortable shot of two persons, framed similarly to a mid shot.

Resultado de imagen de two shot

Over-The-Shoulder-Shot: used when shooting conversation between two people, speaker´s full face is shown while camera is aimed over the shoulder of the listener.

Resultado de imagen de over-the-shoulder-shot definition

Point-of-view-Shot: shows what a character or group of characters is seeing.

Resultado de imagen de point of view shot definition

Nobody shot: usually refers to a shot  of the interviewer listening and reacting to the subject, although noddies can be used in drama and other situations.

Resultado de imagen de nobody shot

Weather shot: the subject is the weather, usually the sky. Can be used for other purposes.

Resultado de imagen de weather shot

Friday 21 September 2018

Camera Angles

Camera Angles 

The term camera angle means slightly diffenrent things to different people but it always refers to the way a shot is composed. Some people used it to inculed all camera shot types, others use it to specifically mean the angle between the camera and the subject. We will concentrate on the literal interpretation of camera angles, that is, the angle of the camera relative to the subject.

High Angle: shows the subject from above, the camera is angled down towards the subject.

Resultado de imagen de high angle

Low Angle: shows the subject from below, giving them the impression of being more powerful or dominant.

Resultado de imagen de low angle

Canted Angle: is when the camera is tilted, usually to suggest imbalance, translation, or instability.

Resultado de imagen de canted angle

Thursday 20 September 2018

Camera Movements

Camera movements

Is a shift in view, frame, or perspective caused by a movement of a camara.

Types of movements

Pan: Horizontal movement, left to right.

Resultado de imagen de pan camera movement

Crane: Vertical movement of the camera angle with a crane.

Resultado de imagen de crane movement

Steadicam: The camera is strapped to camera operator´s body creates a gliding effect.

Resultado de imagen de Steadicam

Hand-held: A shaky handheld effect.

Resultado de imagen de hand held camera

Zoom: Technically this isn´t a camera move, but a change in the lens focal length with gives the illusion of moving the camera closer or futher away.

Resultado de imagen de zoom

Tilt: Vertical movement of the camera angle.

Resultado de imagen de tilt camera movement

Reverse-zoom: Is a special technique first used by Hitchcock in Vertigo. While zooming is increasing the focal length of the lens, reverse zooming is when the camera is moving towards the background while zooming out or the camera moves away from the character or background while zooming in.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Meet my team

Who is he?

His name is Santiago and he is going to be my partner for my Media Studies as a AS level. I choose Santiago to be part of my group because is my best friend and we have a good communication, similar way of thinking and both of us are very organised, he is 16 years old like me.
Our friendship start in the shcool of Sage College in Jerez (Cadiz). We went to the class of History and we start to talk about Football and we became friend.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Monday 17 September 2018


Hi, my name is Angel,
I´m from Cadiz (Andalucia) and I am studing Media Studies because I want to improve my technological skills, learn how to use my camera and to be an film Director in the future, also I am studying Media Studies as a AS level because I love films and I want to create my own movie.
My favourate films are those of action, comedy and terrors, I normally see those movies with my friend and part of the group Santiago DaƱino.
Apart of Media Studies y choose Spanish as a AS level, as a I´m spanish, Spanish is easier for me to manage because is in Spanish, although I´m very creative and expontaneous.